Something Wet, a Stolen Campsite and a Singed Fringe – #17adventures

Something Wet, a Stolen Campsite and a Singed Fringe – #17adventures

After putting it out there to the Universe a couple of weeks back, Big U kicked into action almost immediately and we found ourselves on our way to our first family adventure of 2017 – No.15 Something Wet. (An Open Letter to the Universe – #17adventures)


First up on our 2017 adventure experiences was a family kayak and lilo adventure with Untouched Adventures up the Storms River Gorge.  We prefer to gift each other experiences instead of things, and this was Ralph’s present for his New Year birthday. Paddling up a pristine gorge on bright red kayaks and heavy duty lilos sounded incredible and we decided to make a weekend of it with camping in the Storms River National Park.

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An Open Letter to the Universe #17adventures

An Open Letter to the Universe #17adventures

Dear Universe


I have it on good authority that the thoughts and vibes we put out there in your ethereal space will morph into something real and come back to us. That if we dream and visualise and believe hard enough, your cosmic forces will kick into action and help turn our happy imaginings into something a bit more tangible.


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